3Lights - Essential 8

By : 3lights
The Essential Eight is the name given to an evolving set of risk management recommendations developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). These recommendations provide effective strategies to prevent and minimise the impact of cybersecurity attacks and support businesses in the recovery process.
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Some key business benefits and reasoning for why your business should consider implementing the Essential Eight. These include:

  • The ACSC Essential Eight can help mitigate up to 85% of possible data breaches (source: ACSC)
  • Key requirements, mandated  by the Australian Government for public sector agencies
  • Valuable for all businesses, regardless of size or sector. The framework provides technical guidance on how to prevent and reduce cyber risk - hence why it's called "essential" 
  • The threat of cyber-attacks has increased beyond the capabilities of many organisations ability to manage and counter
  • Represents the minimum set of security control mitigation activities your company should be performing
  • Help meet and satisfy cyber insurance and stakeholder obligations and requirements
  • Provides your business with clear insight into areas of risk exposure and a clear direction for your program roadmap to improve maturity across the eight control domains

At 3 Lights we believe that visibility and establishing a posture baseline are the first steps on your journey to reducing risk through Essential Eight controls.

Our Essential Eight Posture Assessment provides a tailored set of recommendations and implementation guidance for each of the Essential Eight mitigation strategies. 

To help break down the findings into an easy, actionable program, a high-level roadmap is sequenced into priority focused areas based on risk (impact and likelihood), anticipated user friction and budgetary estimates to implement. 

Our approach is simple: we focus on three fundamental principles:

  1. VISIBILITY - Knowing where you are now.
  2. GAP ANALYSIS - Alignment to where you need to get to, and by when.
  3. ROADMAP - Understanding how you get there.

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Learn more about how our solutions and services can help take your business to the next level. Contact us today to discuss your needs and let our team of experts guide you towards the best solution for your business.