3Lights - Essential 8
Some key business benefits and reasoning for why your business should consider implementing the Essential Eight. These include:
- The ACSC Essential Eight can help mitigate up to 85% of possible data breaches (source: ACSC)
- Key requirements, mandated by the Australian Government for public sector agencies
- Valuable for all businesses, regardless of size or sector. The framework provides technical guidance on how to prevent and reduce cyber risk - hence why it's called "essential"
- The threat of cyber-attacks has increased beyond the capabilities of many organisations ability to manage and counter
- Represents the minimum set of security control mitigation activities your company should be performing
- Help meet and satisfy cyber insurance and stakeholder obligations and requirements
- Provides your business with clear insight into areas of risk exposure and a clear direction for your program roadmap to improve maturity across the eight control domains
At 3 Lights we believe that visibility and establishing a posture baseline are the first steps on your journey to reducing risk through Essential Eight controls.
Our Essential Eight Posture Assessment provides a tailored set of recommendations and implementation guidance for each of the Essential Eight mitigation strategies.
To help break down the findings into an easy, actionable program, a high-level roadmap is sequenced into priority focused areas based on risk (impact and likelihood), anticipated user friction and budgetary estimates to implement.
Our approach is simple: we focus on three fundamental principles:
- VISIBILITY - Knowing where you are now.
- GAP ANALYSIS - Alignment to where you need to get to, and by when.
- ROADMAP - Understanding how you get there.