Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (Cth)

By : 6clicks
The purpose of this Act is to make provision for the evaluation, registration and control of agricultural and veterinary chemical products, and for related matters
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The object of this Code is to make provision for and in relation to:

                     (a) the evaluation, approval, and control of the supply, of active constituents for proposed or existing agricultural chemical products or veterinary chemical products; and

                     (b) the evaluation, registration, and control of the manufacture and supply, of agricultural chemical products and veterinary chemical products.

This Code is to be implemented in a manner that:

                     (a) recognises that the health and safety of human beings, animals and the environment is the first priority of the system for regulating chemical products and their constituents, in part to ensure that the use of chemical products at the present time will not impair the prospects of future generations; and

                     (b) reflects established best‑practice principles for the assessment and management of risk, based on science; and

                     (c) balances regulatory effort and any burden imposed by the system of regulation on:

                              (i) holders of approvals, registrations, permits and licences; and

                             (ii) the domestic industry for manufacturing and formulating chemical products and their constituents; and

                            (iii) the users of chemical products;

                            with the risk of the use of the products and constituents to the health and safety of human beings, animals and the environment; and

                     (d) recognises that the use of chemical products that pose unmanageable risks to the health and safety of human beings, animals and the environment is not appropriate in Australia; and

                     (e) promotes community confidence in the regulation of chemical products and their constituents, is open and accountable, and gives opportunity for public involvement and participation; and

                      (f) secures compliance with this Code through appropriate, proportionate, consistent and effective compliance and enforcement measures.

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Jurisdiction Australia
Type Laws or related obligations