Alabama - Policy 621 Data Breach Notification

By : 6clicks
The objective of this policy is to define the requirements and responsibilities for providing notifications when a breach of personal information has occurred.
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The objective of this policy is to define the requirements and responsibilities for providing notifications when a breach of personal information has occurred.

The requirements and responsibilities defined in OIT policies apply to all departments, agencies, offices, boards, commissions, bureaus, and authorities (referred to generally as agency or agencies) and authorized individuals in the employment of the State of Alabamaresponsible for the management, operation, or use of state IT.

State government is committed to protecting the privacy of Alabama citizens. The Alabama Data Breach Notification Act of 2018 (Act2018-396) requires certain entities to provide notice to certain persons upon a breach of security that results in the unauthorized acquisition of sensitive personally identifying information (PII).

This policy supports implementation of the Alabama Data Breach Notification Act and expands the provisions and requirements of the Act as follows. This policy does not replace the Act or any other law or industry standard regarding breach notification.

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Jurisdiction United States
Type Laws or related obligations