Independent Contractors Act 2006 (Cth)

By : 6clicks
An Act relating to independent contractors, and for related purposes
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  (1) The principal objects of this Act are:

                     (a) to protect the freedom of independent contractors to enter into services contracts; and

                     (b) to recognise independent contracting as a legitimate form of work arrangement that is primarily commercial; and

                     (c) to prevent interference with the terms of genuine independent contracting arrangements.

  (2) The Act achieves these objects, principally, by providing for the rights, entitlements, obligations and liabilities of parties to services contracts to be governed by the terms of those contracts, subject to:

                     (a) the rules of common law and equity as applying in relation to those contracts; and

                     (b) the laws of the Commonwealth as applying in relation to those contracts; and

                     (c) the laws of the States and Territories as applying in relation to those contracts, other (in general) than any such laws that confer or impose rights, entitlements, obligations or liabilities of a kind more commonly associated with employment relationships.

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Jurisdiction Australia
Type Laws or related obligations