Intelligent Deception by Seedata

Detects threats and reduces the impact of security incidents.
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Intelligent Deception by is a platform that enables deception technology and threat intelligence for businesses of all sizes. It features an intuitive user interface that prioritizes speed and efficiency, presenting data from an analysis capability that rivals HAL 9000.



Integrations: Intelligent Deception integrates natively with other enterprise SaaS platforms like Office 365, Google Drive, Salesforce, and more. It can also integrate with anything with an endpoint, including file storage solutions and SIEM platforms.

Seeds: Seed creation is easy and straightforward, with a range of formats and attributes that ensure compatibility and consistency with existing data. Currently, customers, contacts, and unstructured documents like .docx and .pptx are supported, with attributes such as name, company, email, address, URL, phone number, and custom fields.

Monitoring: Intelligent Deception monitors the open web, deep web, and dark web for any intelligence or signals related to seeds. It also monitors its own network of honeypot infrastructure for any signs of direct interactions with seeds.

Analysis: Seed data is indexed, and full analysis is performed across all tenants. The analysis is pattern-matched against customers that are directly affected as custodians of the related seeds. Additionally, a full AI capability will be introduced in the analysis services.

Whitelisting: Exclusions can be configured within the platform for false positives, events are still recorded but assigned a lower threat level, and alerts are only sent to explicitly configured recipients.

Alerting: All events are presented within the platform, and various recipients can be configured for different threat level alerts. Enriched alerts include details on historical activity, malware analysis, presence on any block-lists, reputation, and other OSINT values. Currently, email alerts are available, with Slack, PagerDuty, SMS, and webhook options coming soon.



  • Reduce frequency, duration, and impact of security incidents in common risk scenarios
  • Detect data leakage and minimize its impact before it's too late
  • Provide control assurance and show where increased investments should be made
  • Identify 3rd party data misuse
  • Reduce incident impact and increase resilience
  • Pre-empt attack scenarios by consuming the wider landscape of intel from the platform and protecting organizations from attacks that have not yet happened
  • Manage costs by avoiding overspending on security controls in areas that are already adequately protected and prioritizing future improvement projects.

Getting Started

Request a demo or contact our team to discuss how Intelligent Deception can benefit your organization. So, click on "Learn More" now to get started!

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Industries Serviced Technology
Technology Type Web application
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