ISO 22301:2020 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)
This download includes the ISO 22301:2020 mandatory requirements only so there are no mapped questions. Use this download if you just want the provisions and you want to create your own question set.
ISO 22301 is a standard for a management system to adhere to for business disruptions. The requirements aim to help companies reduce the likelihood of interruptions while also preparing for and responding to them when they arise.
This standard has been licensed from Standards Australian License No. CL 12206cl for use internally in the 6clicks platform only. This content is made available on a view-only basis for the purpose of linking to questions (in an Assessment) and controls (in a Control Set). Use or reproduction of this content outside of the 6clicks platform must be in accordance with your own Standards Australia Licence.
The mandatory requirements are outlined in sections 4-10 of the Standard. There are 26 clauses in total, each with multiple sub-requirements, and are summarised below.
4 Context of the organisation
5 Leadership
6 Planning
7 Support
8 Operation
9 Performance evaluation
10 Improvement
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Jurisdiction | All |
Type | Laws or related obligations |