Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth)

By : 6clicks
An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes
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An Act relating to workplace relations, and for other purposes



2—Australian Fair Pay Commission

3—Australian Industrial Relations Commission

4—Australian Industrial Registry

5—The Employment Advocate

6—Workplace inspectors

7—The Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard

8—Workplace agreements

9—Industrial action


11—Transmission of business rules

12—Minimum entitlements of employees

13—Dispute resolution processes


15—Right of entry

16—Freedom of association




20—Jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia and Federal Magistrates Court

21—Matters referred by Victoria

22—Contract out workers in Victoria in the textile, clothing and footwear industry

23—School‑based apprentices and trainees

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Jurisdiction Australia
Type Laws or related obligations